GOODness Grows When...

People show love by helping others and caring for things. Owen- age 7
Love happens and we treat someone nice. Calvin -age 5
We greet and take the time to listen to updates from those in our midst. Hannah- age 38
We play with friends. Dave- age 43
We are kind to one another. Debra- age 65
Goodness grows in the heart. Emma- age 14
You know your neighbors. Dawn- age 67
We encourage one another. Holly- age 45
I drink my first cup of coffee. Nash- age 21
I go to sleep. Kai- age 14
You spread kindness and when the whole world listens to Harry Styles. Merrick- age 14
We show our love to others and spend time with them. Vivi- age 14
We prioritize people and share cookies. Brooke- age 23
We are kind to others. Bev- age 53
Someone creates a safe space for another to be listened to and truly heard. Kim
You are polite.  Bro, it’s just the small things. Jesse- age 12
I don’t hurry, but rather accept the moment at hand, and embrace the people in it. Tony- age 45
We are surrounded by friends. Luke- age 9
People are kind. Jude- age 12
We do small acts of kindness. Erika- age 45
You water it with love.  Aaron- age 45
You are kind and gentle with yourself so you can be kind and gentle to others. Holly- age 45
People try to see the good in others before anything else. Sherri- Teacher
Your heart is open to the positive. Serenity- Teacher
Laughter is shared. Jackie- Teacher
You smile. Kate- Teacher
You stay in the moment. Shelley- Teacher
You are kind to others. Kellie- Teacher
We nurture our own need and then are able to attend to the needs of others, with love and kindness. Kerry- Teacher
People think of others’ needs before their own. Jessica- Teacher
You share an adaptable skill. Dave- age 72
The world is at peace. Carol- age 73
You are helpful and caring to each other. Ava- age 10
People dance- Danilo- 4th grade
Your heart is touched. Jane- age 65
Friends love and help each other. Carol- age 68
You play with people. Turner- Kindergarten
You love people. Ellis- Kindergarten
You grow flowers. Iris- Kindergarten
I get to sled with my friends. Sunny- Kindergarten
We have fun at the water park. Britta- Kindergarten
We are able to go to Lego Land. Kindergartener
I go on vacation with my friends and family. Kindergartener
The world is an equitable place. Marlee- Teacher
You appreciate what you have. Ashly- Teacher
We listen to one another. Lara- Teacher
Think about others and nots just yourself. Ashley- Teacher
People are aware of others’ struggles. Lisa- Teacher
We focus on the positive. Courtney- Teacher
We love ourselves for who we are. Anita- Teacher
You love where you are at. Julie- Teacher
We love each other for who we are. Julia- Teacher
It is shared. Marion- Teacher
When we smile. Shannon- Teacher
We are grateful for the positive things in our lives and when we learn from the bumps in the road. Evan- Teacher
Someone smiles. Jen- Teacher
We appreciate and acknowledge out loud the goodness in others. Susan- Teacher
You do less for yourself and do more for others. Carolyn- Teacher
You help others. Tori- 4th-grade student
You are helpful and never lie, and treat others how you want to be treated. Erika- 4th-grade student
You treat other people how you want to be treated and when you put yourself in other people’s shoes and feel how they are feeling. Alicia- 4th-grade student
You are caring and thoughtful of others. Madison. 4th-grade student
You are nice and not mean to people, and you treat people the way you want to be treated. Delilah- 4th-grade student
You are kind to everybody- Grant- 4th-grade student
You are kind and supportive to everybody you know. Emma- 4th-grade student
We do not litter. Jaxson- 4th-grade student
You help other people and share things, and when you are thoughtful of others showing empathy, by putting yourself in other people's shoes. Adriene- 4th-grade student
You treat each other with kindness. Sharon- age 75
Someone makes eye contact with me and smiles (with their eyes) Kelly- age 39
You are kind. Heidi- age 49
My son’s name that I’ve lost is mentioned. Linda- age 78
I am joyous. Tami- age 62
When hearts glow. Linda- age 78
You share your talents with others. Carol- age 73

etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc.• etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc. • etc.